Hot News BlackBerry service has been restored and normal operations globally!

BlackBerry announces BlackBerry services that had fallen over three days in four continents, gradually improved. Through its website, RIM officially announced the BlackBerry service has been restored and operates both globally.He mentioned, RIM is working hard to restore the condition. Improvements to the services they continue to do. Current conditions, the BlackBerry service in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa almost reached normal levels.


He also apologizes for not being able to tell the BlackBerry service recovery period. "We could not determine the time span to recover service in the world. It is too early if we said this issue is fully completed," said Lazaridis.

RIM deliver, so far their email systems operate properly. Service BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) and traffic was back online a success. But the Canadian company will continue to monitor, to ensure stability of service.

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