The Native version of BlackBerry SDK 2.0 Beta for Playbook Has Released by RIM

Research in Motion (RIM) BlackBerry SDK just released version 2.0 beta the first Native to tablet Playbook. This new beta release brings many new features for developers, including the new BlackBerry Services Platform API for the accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope, audio devices, geo-location, navigator, orientation, payment services, sensors, virtual keyboard and more.

In addition, the BlackBerry Native SDK 2.0 comes with Scoreloop SDK 1.0 release, Beta 1, which allows the mobile social game. According to RIM, this new technology enables developers to integrate social features into the game SDK Scoreloop their game.

Two new user profile IDE, QNX Developers and C / C + + Developer (CDT), has been included as well, along with the IDE improvements that enhance performance and reliability.

If you want to download this software please click HERE

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