PowerSkin Gaming Case iPhone and iPod Touch with Extra Battery

iPhone does not last long? and this is certainly annoying! Well there is a solution now so you can always play in a long time? There PowerSkin Gaming Case for IOS which is a special case for the iPhone (and iPod touch) are able to give you an extra battery to make your game play with your device IOS last longer.

In addition to providing extra electrical power devices, Gaming Skin protects the IOS device from impact and scratches that you might encounter during the game session or use.PowerSkin Gaming Case also features a built-in stereo speakers to enhance the audio experience of your game, so you hear every gunshot, explosion, or more steady high-pitched bird.

PowerSkin Gaming Case is said to be able to extend your gaming sessions with up to 10 hours of its 2050 mAh battery. For those of you who are not using iPhone to play games, then this device will serve as a decent backup battery and audio enhancers for listening to music.

Skin gaming is compatible with iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4 and 4S as well as iPod Touch 2G, 3G, and 4G.

"The iPhone is now priced at USD 89.9 from the normal price of 99.99 USD"